Deploy Hierarchy to Edge device

Deploy the demo Asset Hierarchy to an edge device and verify the deployment.

The Tricloud Nexus platform manages edge device deployment automatically, by analyzing the device configuration. It automatically creates deployment manifests based on the Modules, Applications and Asset Hierarchies that are set to be deployed, and manages secrets in a secure way.

Both the deployment process and the edge device is monitored continuously, ensuring that the functionality performs as expected.

  1. Configure edge device

In the Nexus Portal, navigate to Configurations in the Management menu. This is where Edge Devices are configured for deployment. It is a prerequisite that an edge device is already provisioned for this step, and that it is online.

  • Select the edge device by clicking it in the device tree under "Devices".

  • Select the "Modules" tab. If there are any modules other than the "edgeAgent" and "edgeHub" modules, press the "Reset" button to create a new version of the configuration that is empty. On the pop-up, ensure that you do not deploy (No, reset only) and click "Ok".

  • Select the "Asset Hierarchy" tab, and click the "Assign" button. In the Assign Asset Hierarchy guide, select the Asset Hierarchy that was created for this demo, and assign it in its newest version. Click "Next" and ensure all Areas are selected in the Area Selection. Then click "Done".

  • Select the "Modules" tab to verify that several new modules have automatically been added to the device configuration.

  • To enable monitoring of the edge device click the "Add module" in the "Modules" tab. Select the "Tricloud DeviceMonitorModule" and click "Select". The module is then added to the list of modules on the tab.

  • Save the device configuration by clicking "Save".

  1. Deploy to the edge device

The device is now configured, and ready to be deployed.

  • Click the "Deploy" button, which creates a pop-up that gives you the option to deploy now or schedule the deployment for later. Click the "Deploy Now".

The deployment process starts, and after a while the last line in the log should read "Deployment completed". This means that the edge device accepted the new configuration, and started applying it, by commencing download and startup of new container images.

  1. Verify and Monitor deployment

In the Nexus Portal, navigate to Monitoring in the Operations menu. This is where Edge Devices are monitored, and any errors or temporary interruptions in functionality is detected.

After deployment has completed, the edge devices receive their new configuration as soon as they are online. The following process of applying the new configuration might take time, since the edge device potentially needs to download and start-up the new modules. Therefore, modules that have been deployed, but are not yet started on an edge device, are marked as "Starting" and greyed out in the module list.

  • Select the edge device, used for this demo, in the Devices tree.

The Monitoring overview will show the current state of the device. The device status should be "Connected". If it is not connected, press the "Ping Device" button to test connectivity.

The Modules section shows the status of all modules that are deployed on this device. If the Asset Hierarchy was created and deployed according to this guide, the resulting modules should be:

Ensure that all modules are in "running" state. To ensure that data collection run as expected, verify that the Emulator data connector is in running state.

The DeviceMonitorModule collects device metrics, and monitors the device state with respect to CPU, disk, memory and other relevant information. The status of the device monitor should also be running.

Data collection is now running, and measurements will be saved to the Data Store. Follow the guide in "Gain Insights from Queries" to learn how to access and get value from the collected data.

Last updated

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